Saturday, September 12, 2009

day two...

another quick post, as it is almost noon and i have still yet to leave this little room (i've been taking care of a few things - figuring out my cell phone, internetz, and all that good stuff)! i'm hoping to go exploring today, although it was raining hard this morning (and the roof in the hallway was leaking). i have no idea if it still is raining, unfortunately i can't see outside from here.

yesterday was day one. i was functioning on little sleep (i kept waking up every few hours and staying up for a long time) and no food (i couldn't eat before visiting the clinic) and had to introduce myself in front of the school, which was actually only the high schoolers (and besides that is a fairly small school anyway) in chapel. i have no idea what i said up there.

i met my fellow teachers, who are proving to be nothing short of amazing. i'm working at Korea International Christian School, which is incredibly conservative, but for the most part, the people are great. some of them took me out to dinner last night (asian fusion and the outback steakhouse of all things for dessert) and showed me the town. don (dallas), steve (uk), sunny (new york/chicago/las vegas), and dustin (oklahoma) are all great, interesting, and very diverse and i'm excited to get to know them and everyone else (they are a lot of foreign teachers as well as korean teachers). a few were excited to hear that i go to mars hill, as they have heard a lot about mark driscoll and the church.

imagine my surprise when i was introduced to everyone as the new GEOGRAPHY and AMERICAN GOVERNMENT high school teacher!! i almost laughed out loud, knowing that i will be learning right along with these students, a few chapters ahead if anything. it turns out that most foreign teachers here weren't placed in their element. i even had to teach a few classes yesterday. the lady in charge told me i was to be "introduced" to the class, then she handed me a book, showed me where she left off (she was filling in for me since their school actually started two weeks ago), and left the room. wow. this should be interesting.

this is turning out fairly long, but i need to get over to the school and to run a few errands. oh, and about the doctor? not too painful, although i have a huge bruise in my elbow-pit where the doctor jabbed a needle in to draw my blood...


  1. ahhh teaching those subjects for me would be rough! but u got this girl remember u gotta live up to that #1 Teacher Award hahahah

    Mars Hill! woot! our church is spread all over! exciting!

    hope the transition is smooth :)

  2. geography and american government, lol

    i hope you get your apartment soon so you can get more settled in!

  3. Kari that's awesome! I'm so excited for you! This teaching experience sounds like a great adventure! Go you!

  4. Kari the faithful!!! How much does reading your blog make me laugh out loud even though I'm at a coffee shop?!?!?! I love it, thank you so much for keeping us updated. Honestly, it sounds so good I really want to be there! It sounds exciting and the people seem like a complete blessing. Love your snickerdoodle suitcase - hahahahaha! Thanks for brightening my day!!

    what did not brighten my day was trying to bike back up the hill from SPU to my apartment. Please tell me - HOW DID YOU DO IT last year? I'm just about giving up on riding to school (the downhill is scary and the uphill a killer/impossible work out for me at this point. For real, any advice?

    MUCH love to you, Kari, can't wait to read the next thing!!!

  5. KARI!

    Oh, I am so glad you have a blog! That's so crazy about teaching Geography and American Government-- wowee. I could picture you almost laughing at that point, it made me miss you!

    I can't wait to see all the amazing pictures you will take there... you should post some soon. Do you plan on using your flickr account? Eh? Eh?

    I miss you already. It's so good to hear from you.



  6. Korea? Sweet! Sina would be infinitely jealous.

    ...and they have Outback over there? Did it offer a similar menu or a more appropriately Korean selection?

  7. Also: FYI, I think "karaoke" is spelled with two A's. Unless you want to turn it into KARIoke... ;)

  8. At least you know your USA capitals better than some of us.
